How to generate a payment request for multiple contractors at the same time?

A contractor who performs his services on time is definitely worth his weight in gold. However, ideal cooperation is one in which both the service provider and the service recipient fulfill their obligations and arrangements. It often happens that the client, after completing the work or in the case of packages or subscriptions, forgets to make the payment within the specified time. These are the grounds for serving him a request for payment. But first you need to create them… So how to generate a payment request for many contractors at the same time
Of course, at the beginning we recommend contacting the client directly, trying to resolve the matter calmly and showing understanding. However, when this option does not help or is simply not feasible due to the large number of clients served, we can use mass generation of payment requests in the DOKTOMY document generator.
Selecting recipients of the payment request
After creating an appropriate template with defined variables, we can designate the contractors to whom the generated payment request should be sent. We wrote how you can enter data manually (in the case of a single document generation for a user, e.g. from outside the database), and in this example we will show how you can generate a document for many people at the same time. This is one of the options and big advantages of the DOKTOMY document generator.
When our template is ready, we move on to creating a recipient database with the necessary information.
If we have already created a database, e.g. Payers, we can easily choose on its basis who we need to generate a payment request to. This means that if we have entered records (persons) with the appropriate data, we can select any number of people from the list, without having to generate documents for the entire database, but only for people who are late with their payments.
0. 1 We choose the option to use the database
0. 2 We select the database we want to use
0. 3 We select the Payers for whom a payment request is to be generated and select the GENERATE FOR SELECTED RECORDS option.
Editing data in the payment request template
The next step is to match the information. In this case we always have 3 options:
- Match the variable to the information (e.g. Name = Contractor’s name)
- Fill it out manually (e.g. enter today’s date if it is to appear on the document)
- Leave blank (if it is to be completed as individual information for each Payer separately at a later stage)
After proceeding further, we will be presented with a list of Payers, indicating what requires our attention and manual entry (this is where the issue of the empty fields described above comes into play).
We need to edit the person who requires attention and fill in the missing data. If you continue to leave the fields blank, they will be invisible in the document. Additionally, even at this point we can specify whether we want to add a header and footer for this payment request and whether we want to send the document by e-mail to our contractor.
After editing the appropriate data, we generate payment requests, which will automatically be displayed on the list of Generated documents. We can download them and thus see what our downloaded data looks like:
It looks quite nice, doesn’t it? Generate a document for any number of contractors! You can send a payment request to one or more customers if they are late with payment. The DOKTOMY document generator allows you to easily manage templates, modify them and send letters.